Meet the team

The leadership team and members of the research team at the Centre of Intelligence of Things (CIoTh).

Leadership Team


President and Vice Chancellor

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Provost and Professor of Engineering Mathematics

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Dr Celestine Iwendi

Research Director

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Sam Johnson

Head of School of Arts and Creative Technoloiges

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Simon Wiggins

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Arts and Creative Technologies

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Adam Isherwood

Senior Lecturer and programme leader for Networks and Security

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Prof Paul Hollins
Professor of Cultural Research Development

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Research Team

Dr Celestine Iwendi

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Dr Pradeep Hewage

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Dr Anchal Garg

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Dr Shivang Shukla

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Francis Morrissey

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Dr Eugen Harinda

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Helen Martin

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Aamir Abbas

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Dr Thaier Hamid

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Abdul Razak

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Dr Mansoor Ihsan

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Andrew Holland

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Ibtisam Mogul

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Dr Paul Watson

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Brennan Tighe

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Louise Ashby

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Mohammed Benmubarak

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